September 2019: Franco Nori has been included on the 2019 Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher list. This list identifies the top 1% of researchers based on citations in their field. The Web of Science sponsors this evaluation. This is Professor Nori’s third award in consecutive years!
November 2018: Franco Nori has been included on the 2018 Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher list. This list identifies the top 1% of researchers based on citations in their field. The Web of Science sponsors this evaluation. This is Professor Nori’s second award in consecutive years!
October 2018: Board Member, Marcos Dantus delivered a Seminar, “Unusual hydrogen migration and roaming chemical reactions under strong laser fields”, University of Michigan, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Optics/CUOS in October 2018.
September 2018: Stephen Rand elected Fellow of the American Physical Society in September 2018.
May 2018: IOP Fellow – Stephen Rand elected Fellow of the Institute of Physics (UK) in May 2018.
February 2018: Franco Nori delivered a Plenary talk at the International Conference on Quantum and Nonlinear Optics, Malaysia
2017: Franco Nori Elected Member of the Latin American Academy of Sciences
November 2017: Franco Nori has been included on the 2017 Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher list. This list identifies the top 1% of researchers based on citations in their field. The Web of Science sponsors this evaluation.
September 2017: Franco Nori gave a Plenary talk at the Metanano Conference in Vladivostok, Russia.
August 2017: Franco Nori gave one of two Plenary talks at the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), in Daejeon, Korea and advised members of the Korean government on Quantum Information.
July 2017: Franco Nori gave a Plenary talk at the larger international conference “META 2017” which was attended by over 700 people, and was well received by the audience.
July 2017: Franco Nori gave the opening talk (which was also a Keynote and Plenary talk) at the large international conference “NanoKorea 2017”. More than 600 people attended this talk, which was well received by the audience (from academia, industry, and government). This talk was on quantum electronics for future quantum information (a topic with no overlap with the other four talks listed above, all focused on optics and nanophotonics.
June 2017: Amy B. Brooks, Center Administrator, successfully passed the strenuous Certification for Research Administrators (CRA) exam certified by the Research Administrators Certification Council (RACC)!
January 2016: Franco Nori elected as Foreign Member of the Swedish Royal Society of Arts and Sciences, in Gothenburg, Sweden.
June 2016: James Chapman, undergraduate researcher receives SPIE Award (Society of Photo Instrumentation Engineers).
June 2016: Tobin Marks wins the 2017 Priestly Medal, the American Chemical Society’s highest honor for, “pioneering research in catalytic polymerization, organometallic chemistry, organic opto-electronic materials, and electronically functional metal oxides”, in Washington, DC.
May 2016: Tobin Marks was awarded the Einstein Award at the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in Bejing China.
March 2016: S.C. Rand, J. Whitaker, A. Fisher, D. Hagan, E. Van Stryland, S. Benis, and T. Marks; CREOL Workshop, Univ. of Central Florida, Orlando, March 4, 2016.
July 2015: Tobin Marks has won the 2014 Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson Award for his pioneering work in organometallic chemistry, particularly with regard to catalysis, as well as his work in materials chemistry from molecular sources. The Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson Award is for outstanding contributions to pure or applied research in the field of organometallic chemistry and is awarded by the Royal Society of Chemisty. Congratulations Professor Marks!
May 2015: Tobin Marks has won the 2015 Luigi Sacconi Medal of the Italian Chemical Society. The award recognizes outstanding research in the field of inorganic chemistry. It was awarded at the annual national meeting of the Italian Chemical Society in Camerino Italy in September, 2015.
May 2015: Tony F. Heinz Plenary Speaker on “Electrons in Atomically Thin Two-Dimensional Crystals” at CLEO/QELS in San Jose, CA.
April 2015: Dr. Timothy Bunning, Chief Scientist of the Functional Materials Division of the Materials and Manufacturing Directorate AFRL/WPAFB – MURI DYNAMO invited speaker. “Polymer/Liquid Crystal Mixtures for Dynamic Optical Applications.
lApril 2015: Congratulations to DYNAMO Graduate Student Brad Smith for being awarded two prestigious fellowships; [1] University of Michigan Dow Sustainability Fellowship and [2] an National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship!

February 2015: Steve Rand receives Outstanding Achievement Award from EECS department University of Michigan.
October 2014: Franco Nori elected Fellow of the Optical Society of America for “fundamental contributions to quantum information science and optics, including circuit quantum electrodynamics, and the interface between quantum optics and quantum circuits”.
August 2014: Franco Nori Plenary Speaker on “Quantum Circuits as Artificial Atoms on a Chip” at 32nd International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS 2014) in Austin, TX.
May 2014: Fred Adams awarded a Collegiate Professorship by the College 0f Literature, Science & the Arts at the University of Michigan.
April 2014: Honorary Professorship awarded to S.C. Rand at Amity University, Gurgaon, India.
March 2014: APS Frank Isakson Prize awarded to T. F. Heinz for Optical Effects in Solids.
February 2014: J. Erskine Professorship at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, NZ awarded to S.C. Rand.
February 2014: APS-IUSSTF Fellowship awarded by the American Physical Society to S.C. Rand.
January 2014: Dynamo director visits IIT-Kharagpur, IIT-Delhi, IIT-Bhubaneswar, IITK, & Amity universities in India as OSA Traveling Fellow.
January 2014: Dynamo director invited as Distinguished Lecturer at Institute of IIT-Kharagpur, India.

2014: Franco Nori receives Prize for Research in Physics, Matsuo Foundation, Japan. First time ever given to a non-Japanese.
2013: Franco Nori receives Prize for Science, the Commendation for Science and Technology, by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan.
November 2013: Elizabeth Dreyer receives $2,500 SPIE Travel Scholarship.
October 2013: DYNAMO goes to Frontiers in Optics, Orlando, Florida.

October 2013: Winner of the Boris P. Stoicheff Memorial Scholarship: Yanhui Zhao (right) from Penn State meets with Prof. Rand at the OSA Foundation luncheon.